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We would like to inform you that as of the 11th December 2020 Alfa interier d.o.o., Brigadiska cesta 13, 1235 Radomlje has reorganized the directorship, changed the name and registered office of the company.

New company name: Space-Ing d.o.o.

Company director/owner & main contact: Robert Bremšak/00386 31 609 781. We don’t foresee anything changing and look forward to your continued support.

I would also like to take this opportunity in wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2021.


Obveščamo vas, da se je podjetje Alfa interier d.o.o., Brigadirska cesta 13, 1235 Radomlje, dne 11. 12. 2020, lastninsko preoblikovala ter spremenila ime in sedež podjetja.

Podjetje se sedaj imenuje Space-Ing d.o.o.

Odgovorna in kontaktna oseba pa še naprej ostaja Robert Bremšak - direktor podjetja. Verjamemo, da bomo skupaj pod novim imenomše naprej ustvarjali uspešne zgodbe.

Ob tej priložnosti vam in vašim bližnjim želimo vesel božič in iskrivo 2021.

About Us.

We would like to inform you that as of the 11th December 2020 Alfa interier d.o.o., Brigadiska cesta 13, 1235 Radomlje has reorganized the directorship, changed the name and registered office of the company.

New company name: Space-Ing d.o.o.

Company director/owner & main contact: Robert Bremšak/00386 31 609 781. We don’t foresee anything changing and look forward to your continued support.

I would also like to take this opportunity in wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2021.


Obveščamo vas, da se je podjetje Alfa interier d.o.o., Brigadirska cesta 13, 1235 Radomlje, dne 11. 12. 2020, lastninsko preoblikovala ter spremenila ime in sedež podjetja.

Podjetje se sedaj imenuje Space-Ing d.o.o.

Odgovorna in kontaktna oseba pa še naprej ostaja Robert Bremšak - direktor podjetja. Verjamemo, da bomo skupaj pod novim imenomše naprej ustvarjali uspešne zgodbe.

Ob tej priložnosti vam in vašim bližnjim želimo vesel božič in iskrivo 2021.

Contact Numbers:

Phone: +386 31 609 781




Podgorje 125, 1241 Kamnik

Podgorje 125, 1241 Kamnik